Kate, you are beautiful, and I love your fighting spirit. You be you, because that is the job the Lord God gave to you. He will never leave you or forsake you. I'm so glad you're my sister in the Lord, and sister on the healing journey.
I love you just the way you are. I didn’t know you before you started remembering the trauma you have experienced. I know that now all parts of you are experiencing the freedom to not have to keep the secrets from you anymore. These precious parts of your soul are the real you. I love each one of them. They need unconditional love & connection with you & Jesus. They need to know the truth about who they are in Christ Jesus. This takes time & a ton of patience.
Great to see a blog post from you again! Thank you for being real thank you for being committed to truth both inside of yourself and in how you treat others and how you relate to our creator! I pray that you will know your loved exactly where you are by us and by the Lord Jesus Christ
Kate, you are beautiful, and I love your fighting spirit. You be you, because that is the job the Lord God gave to you. He will never leave you or forsake you. I'm so glad you're my sister in the Lord, and sister on the healing journey.
Thank you, I needed to hear that this morning.
I love you just the way you are. I didn’t know you before you started remembering the trauma you have experienced. I know that now all parts of you are experiencing the freedom to not have to keep the secrets from you anymore. These precious parts of your soul are the real you. I love each one of them. They need unconditional love & connection with you & Jesus. They need to know the truth about who they are in Christ Jesus. This takes time & a ton of patience.
That is a really good point Faye. Thank you. I am trying very hard.
Oh that was such fun to watch!! Just want you to know what a huge inspiration you are in my healing process!
I feel changed lately too. I'm feeling at peace with myself and feel like I'm experiencing what true happiness feels like. God is great!!!
It lifts my spirits that you had fun watching. That makes me hopeful as I was very nervous to share it.
Great to see a blog post from you again! Thank you for being real thank you for being committed to truth both inside of yourself and in how you treat others and how you relate to our creator! I pray that you will know your loved exactly where you are by us and by the Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you. It is a struggle this morning and your comment has helped me.