It has been a hot minute since I created and posted a video on my Kate Fishing channel. I have been hesitant to do any videos for awhile simply because of parts and switching. Most my videos were done before the traumatic memories started coming forward.
Here I am, a bit down the healing road as an SRA survivor, and everything is changing in my life. I have parts popping out all the time. I have flooding of memories. I know I am different than probably most people remember.
But, at some point, I have to be brave and just say, “this is me”. I don’t like saying this is me, right now, but it is the truth. There has been so much shame that I can’t let people see me as I am. I have been judged by people that don’t bother to talk to me or get to know me. I have been mistreated and it has caused me to isolate more; feel even more so that I don’t belong anywhere. I am changing, transforming and healing; I am learning who I am. So I am going just go ahead and risk it because I can’t go back to however I used to be and this process is too hard to pretend otherwise.
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No idea where things are going. I am winging it. Thanks for your time and if you haven’t subbed to my channel yet, please consider it. Thanks!
Kate, you are beautiful, and I love your fighting spirit. You be you, because that is the job the Lord God gave to you. He will never leave you or forsake you. I'm so glad you're my sister in the Lord, and sister on the healing journey.
I love you just the way you are. I didn’t know you before you started remembering the trauma you have experienced. I know that now all parts of you are experiencing the freedom to not have to keep the secrets from you anymore. These precious parts of your soul are the real you. I love each one of them. They need unconditional love & connection with you & Jesus. They need to know the truth about who they are in Christ Jesus. This takes time & a ton of patience.