An Open Letter to the Church on How to Help Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse
oh no she didn't... oops yeah she did..
I was asked what I would share with churches to help SRA survivors. Well, this blew up into one giant write so… yeah…sorry…not sorry
James 2: 15 “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
I wasn’t born a Christian and born into a Christian family that attended a Christian church. I accepted Jesus on a sidewalk in the late summer of 2021. I did not know I was an SRA survivor at the time. But let me tell you, if you are an SRA survivor and accept Jesus, when you truly start walking with HIM you are going to start finding out what really happened to you. Because JESUS IS ABOUT TRUTH. Holy Spirit will begin a work in you that will bring out the truth of what happened to you… if you want to know the truth and walk with HIM. That is a choice. He can heal you but you have to be willing to not only want to know, but also be willing to put in the work with HIM.
If a survivor not only comes into your church, but keeps on coming, and tells you that they are a survivor, should be seen in fact as something incredibly brave and positive. Let’s talk misperceptions that can be a hurdle for the church.
Common Misperceptions and Challenges
Misperception: SRA survivors are demonic or are possessed by demons.
Truth: Survivors that accept Jesus into their heart are filled with the Holy Spirit. They are not demonic, nor are possessed by demonic entities. They were trafficked and abused by occulted pedophile groups, in order to cause a dissociation and fragmentation of the child’s mind, for use by the cult and prevent disclosure. Occult groups take advantage of the natural process that Heavenly Father has afforded us, dissociation.
Dissociation during a traumatic event allows a child to fragment off and encapsulate the trauma while it is occurring. The core of who the child is, that core is protected; the abuse was so extreme that the child’s mind was fragmented. The fragmented part of that child’s mind took the abuse for that period of time and will encapsulate the trauma away from consciousness. This allows the child to function outside of the traumatic event. Pedophile rings, multigenerational satanic families, and other entities that use trauma-based mind control know exactly how this process works. They do this on purpose so that a child will be useful to the cult and not darken the door of a church and tell a pastor what happened to them. A child cannot report what they cannot access in their memory; this is done to protect societies of evil men and women who are torturing and raping children.
Misperception: Parts and alters are not a real thing. Those are a delusion and just part of mental illness.
Truth: Children who experience severe and extreme sexual abuse or torture, before the age of anywhere from 5 or 6, will most likely develop dissociative identity disorder (DID). This is NOT a mental disorder such as Schizophrenia. The formation of DID happens because the child is still developing when the abuse was taking place. The survivor cannot control flashbacks happening or switching between fragmented brain states. They may have experienced this extreme abuse since birth as part of the cult they were born into.
A survivor may have parts that feel either more feminine or more masculine or even asexual. This is an understandable thing as to why a survivor may have parts that feel they are male or female, despite whether the survivor is male or female. A young girl that is fragmented, by a pedophile cult during a ritual, may have a fragmented part of themselves that went through that trauma. That part of themselves may believe that if she was a boy, then none of this would be happening to her and she wouldn’t be getting raped. That is why it is so important to understand the impact of trauma and extreme abuse on children. This is vital as our culture is increasingly trying to push normalizing pedophilia and sex trafficking.
Misperception: They have been healing for a while, why are they still getting triggered or still having problems? They are either faking it and lying or they aren’t even trying to heal. They are just trying to disrupt the church and cause problems.
Truth: Healing takes time. For an SRA survivor, healing isn’t like just putting on a band-aid. It is an intense, life-altering journey into very deep pain. They will have to come to know what happened to them, re-experiencing the event in some fashion, and they will then have to process the aftermath of coming to learn the TRUTH of what happened to them. They will have to break trauma-based mind control. They will experience body memories, as the body keeps the score when it comes to trauma. This means they will experience marks and pains in the body in relation to memories that will emerge as well. They are healing from the worst of the worst in terms of things done to humans by other humans.
In some cases, the survivor may have been in the cult for their entire life. Have you tried to change anything in your life, let alone EVERYTHING in your life that you knew, thought, believed? Imagine for a moment how hard that is. You have an extreme trauma survivor that is amnesic to the things that happened to them. As they begin healing, they may appear to be getting worse. More memories start coming out. They start getting triggered by everything.
They may become pretty nonfunctional and have significant gaps in time and memory. They may have parts of them that come out in church. Some of those parts might be child like and are learning like any 5- or 6-year-old might. Some of those parts might be protector parts. The survivor was triggered, the protector comes out to protect and take the pain or deal with the source of the pain. You might have some parts that like to be quiet and some that are loud. The survivor might have parts that get scared and want to run away and hide in a service. The survivor could get triggered and have flashback right during service. This isn’t a choice by the survivor and they aren’t trying to be intimidating or be a child or anything else. If they are early in their healing, the main core person may not even be aware of what happened, what was said or anything else… because they literally were not present.
We are understanding of combat veterans and PTSD flashbacks. If we were in a church and there was a loud boom that went off, let’s say that loud noise triggered Bob. People in church know that Bob is a Vietnam vet and that he has struggled since the war with unexpected loud noises. How would church people help Bob? Would they be comforting to Bob and talk with him? Would they help him to be a bit more comfortable if he needed a quiet place for a bit? Would they sit nearby and talk with him and encourage him? We like to think we would do that for a church member suffering from things that happened in a war.
Why are we not similarly understanding of extreme trauma survivors? Why are we not similar in our approach, compassion, care and ministering to survivors of the most extreme abuse on the planet? Should we not be even more so diligent in our care for those who have been wounded so deeply and for so long?
You may say, well that was a loud boom... there is no boom going off in church for a survivor. Sadly, you are wrong because the church itself is filled with triggers for satanic ritual abuse survivors. This is because the things done to them, were done on purpose and often with a twisting of scripture, to keep them in the cult and also prevent them from going to church. Communion for instance, is triggering because many survivors will have memories where they were forced to participate in rituals that involved blood and the breaking of bodies… not to get too graphic. Can you not understand then that a survivor that still goes to your church, while dealing with that they are just a veteran of a different war?
Matthew 25:45“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
Actual Things I Have Been Told in Church
“No-one knows how to help you.”
“Why are you still not healed from issues with communion?”
“You will only be healed fully by taking communion, you are not accepting the healing Jesus has for you.”
“You are choosing to manipulate us by switching and manipulation is witchcraft.”
“Do you believe in Jesus? Who is Jesus to you?” After answering my belief in Jesus I was told “Holy Spirit speaks to me too and He tells me that there is someone in Kate who wants to cause confusion.” When I said that was a lie and recited scripture about who Heavenly Father says I am, was told “I can say scripture too…” Essentially inferring that I am demonic.
When triggered by a man in church that approached me and yelled in my face, a part came out and said she was afraid of the man. A lady at the church said “You aren’t afraid of him. A demonic part in you is afraid of him because he has an anointing to heal you.” Let me point out that only Heavenly Father knows who has an anointing for healing for you, not some person saying they know what Heavenly Father wants for you. Let me also point out that if a man is triggering you that much, that should be a red flag at least that perhaps there needs to be more discernment on if this man is safe or not.
Examples of Triggers I Have Experienced in Church
Please note I am not saying you don’t have to have these in church, but I think you need some education on that they can be triggering to people that have had this level of abuse by evil people. It will help you to be compassionate and show the love of Christ to someone so wounded, knowing a little bit of why that they are affected in such a way. Some of these triggers I have a memory of but others I do not have the memory of and I still am trying to understand the why. Holy Spirit will reveal it in time, as He leads.
CRUCIFIX: The crucifix with any kind of reenactment or clothing, especially the crown of thorns. I cannot hold a crucifix for very long at all and I do not like being around them at all. That is a big problem if you go to church and you choose Jesus. I don’t think I need to describe what the reenactment scene is...
ORAL READING OF SCRIPTURE: I have essentially the scripture version of code words used to activate parts of me created by the cult. These phrases are related to specific parts that have been programmed to respond to these phrases. It is generally an oral saying of scripture and its twisted. For instance... the saying “Worthy is the lamb.” I can read it just fine, mostly. When I heard it said and sung out loud by real people in front of me, it triggers a memory of horrific torture that I endured. “Living Sacrifice” ... again... same thing. These are biblical things that the cult KNOWS churches will talk about and it is used as a trigger to keep you out of church and out of disclosing abuse.
THE BLOOD: Constant and repetitive or lengthy focus on the blood of Jesus. The statement of having the blood of Jesus poured over you is particularly awful. I have had blood poured on me... it is absolutely horrifying to be told that I need to have HIS blood poured on me. I know HE died for me. JESUS rescued me and IS healing me through the Holy Spirit. For someone that has been abused by a cult it is so very difficult to deal with.
CHANGES IN LIGHTING & SUDDEN MOVEMENT BY MEN. Bright sunlight from the church windows will trigger things worse off for me in church during a worship service. I have several memories in which there is a bright light that is forced in my face, so bright you can see it through your eyelids and it physically hurts. Sometimes a quick change in the light or brightness along with being in church already will set off an experience of those blinding lights. Lately I have taken to wearing some shades on sunny days to try and help it, but it doesn’t always work. I also get triggered very badly during this is there are men in the church that are moving quickly around me.
COMMUNION: My church had a man delivering the communion while holding an infant. I won’t go into the description of why this is triggering beyond what all that represents in the previous two sentences. I had tried communion with an almond and water, along with other people, but that didn’t really work very well as I started getting more memories back. Currently I opt to go sit out in the foyer or outside in the parking lot by myself until they are done. I pray and I talk with Holy Spirit instead... my communion is a communion with HIM.
LAYING ON OF HANDS AND INTERPERSONAL TOUCH. People touching you in church. First of all, survivors aren’t necessarily don’t touch me kind of people. BUT they also have been severely abused and could prefer to not be touched or they might initiate it only. If they are jumpy and triggered, boy that is a hard one to figure out. They might have parts of them that do not want to be touched. They might have small parts of them that really want to hug the pastor. The best thing you can do is just ASK the survivor.
For example: “Hey Kate! I want to give you a hug, can I give you a hug?” Or… “Hey Kate! Can I sit by you, do you want some company to worship with or come sit by me?” Or… “Hey Kate! Are you ok? Do you need someone to pray with you or do you need a place or a person you can be with that you feel safe around?” All of these are examples of allowing a survivor to have a say when it comes to personal touch. I know they sound corny but you get my drift. Most survivors feel alone, misunderstood and isolated. They don’t trust very easily. They did NOT have choices about being touched by evil men. Allowing them a choice is a BIG deal.
What can we DO for SRA Survivors as Christians?
1. Be Faithful. BELIEVE THEM.
2. Be Kind and be curious. Learn about Trauma and its impact.
3. Be Loving and Christlike to them as much as you can. They literally might have no family to help them, they might be in danger from leaving the cult, they have been manipulated for most of their life. They need to heal with the help of Holy Spirit and godly relationships with honorable Christians that CARE.
4. Be Peaceful. Help them to learn biblical boundaries in relationships through study of the bible and discussion with other members. They may not have boundaries and it’s a process to learn. They may have parts that need to learn also, little kid parts and protectors alike. All of their relationships up to this point have been controlled by the cult that abused them. They are going to be starting from scratch.
5. Be an example of goodness and be interested in their testimony. They are in your church, healing and walking with Jesus for a reason. They have literally experienced parts of the Old Testament and are walking through hell to follow Jesus. Support their voice and help others in the congregation to understand how this is a NOW issue for the church. This is such an important issue for children who are being harmed right now, not only the older survivors from previous generations.
6. Be joyful and encourage their learning and exploration in the word. Help them dig deep and start to understand the traits of Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father has been already warped for them. Some of them may even have been raped by a man pretending to be Jesus during matching Christian holidays. They need to know who Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit REALLY are. They have not experienced the joy or many other things that some other Christians have experienced. It might take awhile for them to experience those things, but realize they are coming from a place where Lucifer would have been the good guy.
7. Have self-control, not other-people control. Give them a choice on being touched and respect their need for space; but don’t be afraid to talk to them or approach them. Some parts of the survivor may have been punished and trained to not look people in the eye or interact. Some parts may have been trained to not look at faces. It is hard to identify someone whose face you can’t see.
8. Be Gentle. The survivor never chose to participate in the abuse they endured. Most victims do NOT survive at all. The fact the survivor is in your church, looking for healing and seeking Jesus, disclosing they are SRA survivor, that right there is an actual miracle. Because against all odds that survivor is standing in your church, talking and choosing Jesus against everything in their life and experience that should have them in jail or dead. They don’t need Churchy shame placed on them, on top of what they already are having to wrestle.
9. Be Patient. The survivor has been constantly lied to and it is difficult for them to trust. But yes, they can trust. Often you will hear in church, oh I will pray for you. Very few at church will actually try and show up with their faces, their hands, their feet, their hearts, their voice. Survivors need real, authentic people that care and can hear Holy Spirit. They need godly people that are in it for the long haul. They need patience, both from themselves and others. They need people that keep a check on them and care enough that they are alive and functioning, a church body that won’t give up. The cult won’t give up on getting them back.
Matthew 18:8 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
This is so helpful and much needed. Thank you!!!
So well said and I agree with you! I hope churches hear this and change how survivors are treated! I’m so sorry how you were hurt in a church. It’s not okay.